Nervous Excitotoxicity by Street Drugs. 
He, a drug abuser (marijuana, LSD, etc.) and over-masturbator, said ' I used an array of your products a few years back and had some good results. I didnt realise I had good results until I had a sexual encounter... '
He said ' I was taking your products just for 1 week i got cured very well.. I am using viapal-hgh-C and viapal-hgh-M on alternate days. Very excellent result.' Recover from the damages induced street drugs, such as night fall, throbbing rear brain, stress, precum and semen leakage, and prolonging refraction time
He said ' your products do work because a lot of symptoms have gone away.' Open up brain-blood barrier (BBB) with inflammation induced by over-masturbation and alcohol allow more Marijuana toxins to get into the brain/CNS (Central Nervous System)and Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for headaches, stomach pains, dizziness, eye floaters, fatigue, penile and testicular shrinkage, excessively frequent nocturnal emission
Drug and steroid abuses result in fatigue, memory loss, weight gain, and low libido
Over-masturbation, marijuana smoking, or/and drugs abuse (medication or streets) cause nervous deformation for psychiatric disorders.
Chronic Over-Masturbation and over-ejaculation since 16 and drug abuse (smoking marijuana, narcotics and cigarettes) since 19 result in young impotency, premature ejaculation, ear ringing. eye floaters, and hypertension no more sexual orgasm
Drug abuse with pot (marijuana) smoking along with anti-anxiety, anxiolytic and antidepression drugs results in severe head pains, tremors ( parkinson's syndromes), loss appetite, leg pain, testicular and scrotum pains, anxiety, blurred vision, hearing hallucinogenic voices, no erection and no more sexual orgasm
How to kick the pornography addiction:  Reduction of the inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 production, Excessive epinephrine and norepinephrine induces inflammatory responses, persistent sexual arousal, and brain/nervous excitotocixity, and enhancement of the serotonin and GABA nervous modulation and control
Chronic drug abuse and over-masturbation results in infertility (no sperms and antigen); a lack of sperm antigen diffused through the blood-testis barrier of the seminiferous tubules in the bloodstream overshot the pituitary FSH release as a warning sign

Warning: Street drugs and excessive sex are extremely destructive. Both directly or indirectly alternate the gene and enzyme expressions for physiological and psychological disorders (brain/nervous), chronic sleeping disorder (pineal gland gene expression disorder in response to ligh),  and body pains, via the excessive conversion of stress neurohormones norepinephrine and epinephrine from dopamine and its induced over-expression of COX-2 and Protein Kinase C (PKC).   These problems are created by chronic  tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine betab-hydroxylase and phenylethanolamine-N-methyl transferase gene expressions while excessive orgasm or ejaculation adds chronic prolactin and oxytocin gene over-expression for severe sexual exhaustion. When the acetylcholine or/and dopamine nervous system are exhausted, too weak to excite the oxytocinergic nervous system in the hypothalamus (in the paraventricular (PVN), supraoptic (SON), and anterior commissural (ACN) nuclei ) and pituitary glands, you will lost libido or orgasm due to oxytocin deficiency.  It is very expensive to cleanse the brain and nervous systems polluted by the street drugs which alternates or even destroys the gene expression of a nervous receptor or synapse. Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease are the two most common of a class of diseases associated as neurodegeneration - the brain cells sickness (gene expression disorder) or death.  Don't fry your brain and nervous systems by mixing drugs with excessive sex (over-ejaculation or excessive orgasm), where over-ejaculation or excessive orgasm is destructive enough to alternate the gene expression of the dopamine D1 and D2 receptors, Serotonin C2 receptor, GABA A receptors and acetylcholine receptors for psychological disorders and brain damage. A chronic use of  street drugs also destroys or damages testicular/ovarian functions for sexual and orgasmic disorder and dries the prostate's seminal  production and the vaginal natural lubrication production mechanisms.

Extra side effects of Sex and Drugs:  Over-ejaculation, over-masturbation, excessive sex, excessive orgasm  or drug abuse can induce brain's arterial inflammation to narrow down the arteries and to constrict the blood flow to the brain. The narrowed arteries in the brain require a high blood pressure to pump blood up to your brain. This results in hypertension, headaches, migraine,  blurred version, gum inflammation, sleeping disorder, and ear ringing addition to brain disorders, body or joint pains and inflammation, liver and kidneys fires, and prostate(uterus/cervix)/bladder/urethra disorders !!!. 

Considering the skin serves as a neuroendocrine organ for neurotransmitter and hormonal production ( ),  the penile, clitoral, vulva, vaginal and cervical skin damage by abrasion, over-masturbation, violent sexual activities or surgery can mechanically cause tissue scarring and cellular death and , and disable the skin neuroendocrine function.  The street drugs, medication drugs,  or birth control chemicals poisoning and damaging the skin neuro-endocrine cells also chemically produce the same destructive results. 

Examples: Inflammation induced by over-masturbation, alcohol, streets drug abuse, infection and so on) opens blood-brain barrier permeability for toxins to get into the brain -
Inflammatory pain alters blood-brain barrier permeability and tight junctional protein expression 
Blood-Brain Barrier: Penetration of Morphine, Codeine, Heroin, and Methadone after Carotid Injection
Blood-brain barrier leakage may lead to progression of temporal lobe epilepsy 
Blood—Cerebrospinal Fluid Barrier 
Inflammation and the neurovascular unit in the setting of focal cerebral ischemia. or 
Perivascular spaces and the two steps to neuroinflammation. 
The blood-central nervous system barriers actively control immune cell entry into the central nervous system. 
Characteristics of compounds that cross the blood-brain barrier
Getting into the brain: approaches to enhance brain drug delivery. 
Selected Gamma Aminobutyric Acid (GABA) Esters may Provide Analgesia for Some Central Pain Conditions.  or
Low CSF gamma-aminobutyric acid levels in Parkinson's Disease. Effect of levodopa and carbidopa. 
CSF GABA levels in Parkinson's disease. 

A Bad Lesson: Over-masturbation at 3 times daily since age 6, with 8 years of heavy drug and alcohol abuse resulted in testicular failure at age 25 for erectile dysfunction, precum leakage and premature ejaculation without erecting - no more sexual orgasm
Drug abuse (and over-masturbation?)  resulted in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome,  the same as sexual exhaustion symptoms.
If you love pot smoking, please go to ;
If love ecstasy, please go to;
If you love cocaine, please go to 
OK, do you love meth or math? Please read 
If you take medication drugs, please go to, ,  . 
Birth control pills/implant/injection can cause a lot of problems for women as listed in - 
Extra Warning -  Besides street or medication drugs, Sex can be destroyed by Over-Masturbation / Over-Ejaculation or excessive orgasm (sex-induced self destruction) due to overburning of the brain's acetylcholine/dopamine/seroton/GABA nervous systems, resulting in an excessive dopamine-norepinephrine/epinephrine conversion and in an excessive release of prolactin, as listed in & 
How about eating. drinking and exercises - 
Finally, how about the abuse of a vibrator? OK, you het it in 

drug abuser (cocaine and heroin ) said ' I have had your products before and it worked I can't remember what but I need it.'
He said ' I am the 45 year old ex-drug/alcohol user who has been on the ViaPal-hGH-P treatment (3rd month). I am very pleased to report my condition is so much better. I have been getting hard morning erections on a regular basis and spontaneous erections are now starting and my libido is pretty good thanks to you Doctor!! Physically, I've never felt better, my eyesight sharp, my mind focused and my strength is getting better every day. I exercise regularly and I plan on continuing with your products perhaps indefinitely'
She said 'I am very happy with your products, and not in terrible pain anymore.' for recovery of body pain (neck,lower back, and shoulder pain radiating down my arm, blinding headaches), ear pain and vibration, ear ringing, eye floaters, incontinence, jaw pain and severe headaches resulting from sexual abuse, excessive masturbation, marijuana abuse, prescription nacrotic use and hysterectomy. How to deal with (quit) smoking addiction and incontinence.
She said ' After three weeks I am now starting to feel the benefits of your supplements, and am very pleased with the results.' for body pain (neck, lower back and shoulder), blinding headaches, ear pain and vibrating, eye floaters, incontinence, jaw pains, orgasm headaches induced by sexual abuse, excessive masturbation, marijuana abuse, prescription narcotic use, and hysterectomy
A Mexican 23 years old, drug-abused and vasectomy customer said ' I bought the products and have noticed a big difference. Ejaculation pain is already gone!' for restoration of pain-free ejaculation and sexual orgasm.
A heavy-drug abuser said ' I must say your product works like magic, i never thought i would heal again...... As now i notice that there was a big improvement to my brain and mind. I am less thinking nonsense and less feeling low (low-self-esteem) and less anxious. I would say, i am really surprise that i can heal becuase i thought that i am suffering a worst problem.' for brain and neuro-endocrine rejuvenation for sexual orgasm!
Chronic over-masturbation with drug abuse, ranging from marijuana, ecstasy, mushrooms, medication pills, cigarettes and so on, results in erectile dysfunction and water ejaculation (no semen) at age 18!
Over-masturbation with drug abuse resulted in burning sensation in the prostate and pelvic area, prostate inflammatory pain, knee pain and ankle pain; why simply stop masturbation and drug abuse can not naturally heal the inflammatory problems?
Excessive prostaglandin E2 and histamine with prostaglandin E1 deficiency in the breathing airway and paranasal sinus give him allergy sneezing, stuff nose and itchy eyes, as a result of over-masturbation and drug abuse (marijuana, nicotine and alcohol) - solution
Enjoying a lot of pot (marijuana)  coke (cocaine), methamphetamine, binge drank, cigarettes, over-masturbation, promiscuous/excessive sex resulted in poor concentration (Attention Deficiency Disorder or ADD), poor memory, over-reactive bladder, frequent urination, premature ejaculation, depression, eye floaters, ear buzzing, dizziness, seeing stars,  and obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Drug abuse with LSD gave him a fragile serotonin and dopamine nervous system and an overheated norepinephrine/sympathetic nervous function, so that one-shot ecstasy  could produce vertigo, blurry vision, eye floaters and inflammatory eye balls and soreness, but his eye doctors,  MRI, and  CT scans found nothing wrong.
Chronic over-masturbation and few drug abuses with marijuana, LSD, ecstasy, cocaine, harsh and alcohol let him experience panic attacks, strong tension,  anxiety,  cold sweating (sympathetic nervous flight responses), muscular pains, penile shrinkage, blurry vision, buzzing ears, eye floaters, headaches, frequent urination,  memory loss, pelvic pain, testicular pain and numbness,  gastritis, and eczemas no more sexual orgasm.
Sex worker having 2 clients or more per day,  over-masturbation habits, and drug abuse with cocaine, ketamine, ecstasy and alcohol experiences sexual exhaustion symptoms with no libido, sex fear, depression, anxiety, colitis, diarrhea, stomach and pelvic pains, ear ringing. muscle weakness, insecure, nervousness,  body shaking, memory loss, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, and  vaginal discharge for no more sexual orgasm. 
Over-masturbation, marijuana chemicals, opium, and morphine killed his brain, parasympathetic/ serotonin/ GABA nervous system, liver and penis for no more sexual orgasm; one causes of IBS and solutions for all ==> 

What do you expect from over-masturbation, pot smoking, alcohol abuse, MDMA, Speed and Cocaine ? bad memory, erectile dysfunction, vision dissorders, low libido, brain fog, hair loss, gum bleeding, premature ejaculation, urinary urgency but peeing nothing, muscle tightness and spasm.
Serotonin and GABA nervous deficiency and noradrenergic/sympathetic nervous excess can be caused by pregnant mother's caffeine or drug abuse or/and by individual chronic over-masturbation and drug abuse (marijuana, methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin or other nervous toxins), leading to severe eye floaters, dizziness, memory loss, depression, anxiety, tachycardia, penile numbness,  and psychological disorders (including suicidal tendency) for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation, drug abuse and smoking result in post-ejaculation blurry vision, pelvic pain, and stomach cramps for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic amphetamines abuse resulted in bipolar, mood swing and manic disorders for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation and drug abuse (pot smoking, cocaine, LSD, amphetamine, and cigarette) gave anxiety attack, depression, no libido, weak erection, and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
drug abuses, vibrator abuse, and excessive sex destroyed her serotonin and GABA nervous function and endocrine function for urinary incontinence,  depression, and vaginal enlargement - solution
Drug abuse (smoked pot/weed, ecstasy, speed, coke, LSD, and magic mushrooms) initially heightened his sex for over-masturbation and excessive sex, but resulted in severely sexual exhaustion for low libido, erectile dysfunction, precum and semen leakage and no more sexual orgasm
Ice, amphetamine, ecstasy, and alcohol fried his brain and caused nervous plasticity for mental illness, psychological disorders, Trauma Nightmare, and Visual Dream for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation at about 3 times a day and drug abuse killed his 20 years old brain and body for emotional imbalance, blurred thinking, weakness leg imbalance, weak erection and blurred vision for no life and no sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation and drugs abuse (alcohol, pot/marijuana, amphetamine, cocaine and ecstasy ) resulted in brain/nervous destruction, ADD, anxiety, depression, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction at age 21, for no more sex orgasm
hallucinogenic mushrooms destroyed his serotonin nervous function for mental illness and no more sexual orgasm
How heroin, opioid and morphine analog drugs killed the brain and nervous systems for no sex orgasm
Drug and alcohol abuse results in erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, depression and failure to keep his love due to no sexual orgasm for his girls.
Chronic drugs (ecstasy, marijuana, ketamene, cocaine, LSD and Cigarettes) abuse and over-masturbation have destroyed his 23 years old brain, penis, testicles and seminal production system for schizophrenia,impotence and no more sexual orgasm
Drug abuses (POT, LSD, MAGIC MUSHROOMS, MDMA, COCAINE, AND ALCOHOL)  and over-ejaculation killed his brain, hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal and -testicular axis for no more sex and sexual orgasm, but penile shrinkage, impotence and premature ejaculation.
Drug abuse (Pot and LSD) and over-ejaculation resulted in back pains, headaches and eye floaters (moving worms) for no more sexual orgasm
What you expect from over-masturbation + ecstasy + ketamine + Pot smoking + alcohol?  no more erection and no sexual orgasm. ==>
Drug abuse and over-masturbating up to 10+ a day results in persistent sexual arousal and constant orgasm.
Drug abuse, over-masturbation and alcohol abuse killed his 22 year old brain, liver, endocrine function and penis for psychological disorders (depression),  fuzziness, low back pains, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation since age of 8 and drug abuse (pot, medication drugs, magic mushroom) for sexual exhaustion and premature ejaculation - no more erection and sexual orgasm.
Chronically Over-ejaculating and drug abuse (pot, adderal and methamphetamines, acid, extacy and more) killed his hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular function for no more sexual orgasm.
3-year heavy Pot smoking (cannabis) and drug abuse resulted in burst blood vessels in the eye, low-back and chest pain, disorganized speech/incoherence, and temple pains - for no sexual orgasm!
What you expect from Over-ejaculation + Marijuana + Hash , mushrooms + LSD and then antidepression drugs and blood pressure medication drugs - No more semen production, no more erection and no more sexual orgasm. ==>
Why erectile drug + testosterone replacement won't work for erection sexual orgasm for patients having had antidepressants, opioids and anti-hypertensives
Extremely drug abuse and over-ejaculation resulted in destruction of his nervous control, body pains, persistent sexual arousal, ejaculation urgency, frequent urinary urgency with peeing difficulty, precum flooding and prostate enlarge for no sexual orgasm!
chronic drugs (pot smoking, amphetamine, coke..) abuse with over-masturbation resulted in urinary urgency, semen leakage, low libido, weak erection, groins and butts pains, penile bending,  and losing concentration for no more sexual orgasm!
Why street drugs gave him yellowish and jell-like semen and strange pelvic pains for no more sexual orgasm.
Pot and drug abuse killed her sex  brain/nerves and ovaries for low libido, vaginal dryness and no  sexual orgasm - solution
Drug abuse (marijuana, ecstasy, mushrooms..) and chronic over-masturbation resulted in sympathetic nervous Fight or Flight for no more sexual orgasm !
His experiences with Hallucination drug LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) and over-masturbation gave him severe headaches, body pains and chronic fatigue, muscular dystrophy,... and so on for no more sexual orgasm
One-month ecstasy and mushroom experiment screwed up his 18-years old brain for depression, memory loss, muscle weakness and  no more sexual orgasm !
Drug abuse (speed) and chronic over-ejaculation caused his erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic abuses of street drugs, vibrator  and psychotic drugs for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation and street/medication drugs abuse (pot, ecstasy, cocaine, SSRIs, antidepression and psychotic drugs killed his brain and penis for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic medication and street drug abuse (marijuana, shrooms, cocaine, ecstasy, and ketamine) with chronic over-ejaculation killed his brain and sex for body pains, internal inflammation, brains and nervous disorders, headaches, sinuses inflammation, inconstancy, senseless, face numbness and no more sexual orgasm
Drug and alcohol abuse, plus over-ejaculation, causes veins and capillaries breakage everywhere, including the prostate for blood ejaculation, for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbating since 13 and drugs abusing (marijuana, speed, mushrooms, and etc.) since 16 resulted in nervous numbness, weak immune to cold, impotence, fatigue, and frequent urination for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic drug abuse (alcohol, cannabis/marijuana, esctasy, speed, cocaine etc.) resulted in bladder incontinence, psychological disorder, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm.
Drug abuse (marijuana, mushrooms, cocaine, ether, speed, Oxycodone, cigarettes and esoecially alcohol) results in his anxiety,  depression, premature ejaculation, and eye floaters for no more sexual orgasm; He said 'My friend Steven reports good results from your products so I was interested in what products you think might help me recover from my previous lifestyle.'
Ecstasy (MDMA) screwed his 18-year old brain and penis for  no more sexual orgasm.  Please don't end your sex life before age 80, not 18!
Street drugs and pot smoking are good for low libido, impotence and no sexual orgasm!
Chronic use of depressants results in dilated pupils and shallow breathing for no sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation and drug abuse resulted in eye floaters, prostate disorder, precum flooding, premature ejaculation, and no more sexual orgasm
Over-Masturbation, alcohol, and drug abuse (marijuana, psychedelic mushroom/shrooms)caused his body pains, frequent urination, prostatitis, testicle pain, low libido, jelly-like semen, stress, anxiety, depression and impotence for no more sexual orgasm
Crystal meth killed this loving couples' brain/nervous functions, resulting in muscle aches, depression, anxiety, zero sex drive and no more sexual orgasm.
Causes and solutions for blood ejaculation associated with Over-masturbation and drug abuse - restoration of sexual orgasm.
A lot of few times drug abuses with ecstasy, amphetamine, and pots smoking make him become stupid and give him erectile disorders for no sexual orgasm
ACNE drug, Pot smoking, and erectile drugs have caused his erectile dysfunction and crooked his penis for no more sexual orgasm
Crystal meth has caused his severe premature ejaculation in 30 seconds,  1-inch penile shrinkage, and  erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation  + Pot smoking + opium have killed his brain and nervous function for no more energy for work and study, no libido or no more sexual orgasm
Smoking meth for 3 years has shrunk his penis and testicles and enlarged his hernia holes for testicular pain and no more sexual orgasm.
Drug abuse ( cocaine, heroin, pot and alcohol) has killed her brain and sexual function for no sexual orgasm
One-night supper sexual orgasm with 6 times ejaculation under influence of crystal meth by masturbating 6 hours resulted in chronic penile pains for no more sexual orgasm
Crystal meth has caused his eye floaters and longer persistence of vision for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic pot smoking and ecstasy / whiskey abuse cause his short breath, dizziness, hot flashes, severe sleeping disorder, palpitations, numbness, confusion, irritability, and back pains for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic use of cocaine has destroyed his testicular function and caused hypertension for no more sexual orgasm
Why hardcore drug abuse and pot smoking still haunt him for premature ejaculation - no more sexual orgasm; all girlfriends left him for another men.
Over-masturbation and Drug abuse (Pot smoking, alcohol, cocaine, special K, ecstasy and other party drugs) have killed his 20 years old brain and penis for body pains, tinitus, insomnia, stress, anxiety, depression and no more sexual orgasm; even the university psychiatric clinic gave him up.
Over-ejaculation (excessive orgasm) and drug abuse ( ecstasy and marijuana with selegiline and erectile drugs ) results in watery, bloody ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
One-night drugs abuse (mushrooms and ecstasy) has killed his brain for low libido and premature ejaculation - for no more sexual orgasm.
Meth ( methamphetamine) has killed the 25-year old brain and nervous system for depression, poor memory, arousal disorder and erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm
Chronic Drug abuse (ecstasy and cocaine) have burned out his brain/nervous functions for erectile dysfunction, penile shrinking, vaso-constriction, and premature ejaculation (in 10 strokes) for no sexual orgasm
Pot smoking and drug abuse cause this 20 years old man's erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm
Methamphetamine and over-masturbation causes his eyefloater for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic alcoholism, cocaine and ecstasy abuse have killed his erection and sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation/over-ejaculation and drugs abuse killed his brain and nervous functions for chronic headaches, blurred vision, ear ringing and no more sexual orgasm. Here is Dr. Lin's Brainwash Engineering treatment.
He said ' Having been on the products for two months, I've already noticed significant improvement.' in dealing with over-masturbation and drug abuse for restoration of penile sensitivity, glans damage, seminal production and sexual orgasm
The progressive improvement of an Ecstasy abuser with Viapla-hGH-P and 5-HTP for restoration of erection, seminal production,  and sexual orgasm
He said ' Thank you again for your amazing products. I have firmer erections and more girth in my penis....... also my prostate has returned to its normal size.'  for penile enlargement after years of over-masturbation, alcohol and drug abuse. How to rejuvenate the skip-deep sensory nerve for more sexual orgasm.
This young customer said ' you have completely turned my life around it has got rid of my crule depression more interest in life helped me down stairs and up stairs.yes fully powered peneis all do..' by ViaPal-hGH-J in overcome his over-masturbation and street drug abuse for sexual orgasm.
He said ' I am taking viapal HGH-M for recovery from sexual exhaustion due to drug abuse and over masturbation. Results have been good as i have told you in past emails and i think i am about 50% recovered..' on the recovery of the weak testicular function for sexual orgasm.
He said 'Chronic Fatigue is somewhat better after one week.' with Viapal-hGH-M; on the role of  Alpha Lipoic Acid in the nervous rejuvenation and the most powerful nervous rejuvenator DeToxiA + ViaPal-hGH-P + 5-HTP for drug abusers to restore sexual orgasm.
He said 'I have been taking the ViaPal-hgh-P for one week now.. I had sex three times today with my girlfriend and she was surprised at how I was able to keep going without an orgasm... I think you have saved my life.' A long-term solution for detoxification of marijuana residual chemicals and alcohol; resolution of panic attacks for more sexual orgasm!
after on ecstasy for 9 months, this 20 years olg girl experienced constant headaches, orgasmic pains /cramps, Vulvodynia (vulva abrasion) and clitoral nervous abrasion pain for no sexual orgasm.
Again, one-time use of ecstasy has burned our his brain for sympathetic nervous panic attacks and no more sexual orgasm
Again, don't let ecstasy (MDMA) fry your brain and nervous systems for no more sexual orgasm
One-time Abuse of ecstasy damaged this 19 years old's brain and nervous systems for sympathetic nervous fires - for no more sexual orgasm.
Ecstasy (MDMA) shrunk his penis down to 5 cm (2 inches) long and 1.5 cm (0.6 inches) thick for no more sexual orgasm!
methamphetamine kills his sex and prostate's seminal production, and causes his penile and testicle pains for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic Over-masturbation since 11 and drug abuse (pot smoking, ecstasy, Shrooms, coke, speed, crystal methamphetamine, vicatin, oh and acid) has burned his brain/nervous function and caused his sexual exhaustion, depression, psychological disorder, hair loss and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
Drug abuse (pot smoking, alcohol, LSD, ecstasy..) and over-masturbation/ over-ejaculation burned out his 27 years old body and mind for eye floaters, tinitus (ear ringing), hair loss and graying, high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, depression, and sexual dysfunction for no sexual orgasm, and leaded his doctors melting down all the high-tech medical machines, X-ray and CT scan, for nothing.
Pot smoking, ecstasy and  cocaine has burned out or fried his 20 years old brain for anxiety, eye floaters, blurred vision and no sexual orgasm
Pot smoking, amphetamines, speed and over-masturbation kills his 22 years old brain and penis for ringing ears, eye floaters, muscle pain, poor blood circulation, stupidity, loss concentration, panic attack, irregular cardiovascular function, prostate disorder, penile shrinkage  and impotence  for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation, pot smoking and drug abuse stoped his penile growth for no sexual orgasm!
This 25-year old man has had no fun after a chronic abuse of ecstasy , LSD and marijuana - no more erection and no more sexual orgasm.
Abuse of mushrooms, ecstasy, cannabis, and cocaine causes this 22 year old man's eye floaters, blurred vision and stress for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation and drug abuse (marijuana, ecstasy..) causes this 20-year old student's seminal production disorder, anxiety and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
Ecstasy messed up his brain, resulting chronic depression for no sexual orgasm! Now, he needs a brainwash with ViaPla-hGH-P and 5-HTP.
Drug abuse (ecstasy, pot...) causes this young man's constant headaches, stress and anxiety for No more life and, of course, no sexual orgasm!
Over-masturbation, Pot ( Marijuana)  smoking, and drug abuse causes this 18-year old boy's erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm!.
Street and medication drug abuses cause this young man's erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic abuse of cocaine, ecstasy, and pot smoking have killed his brain, mind focus, testicular and seminal production for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic Over-Masturbation and drug abuse ( marijuana, cocaine..) for penile/testicle/pelvic pains and no more sexual orgasm
Drug abuse and Over-ejaculation caused his ACNE outbreaking; and ACNE drugs gives him erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation by blocking testosterone-DHT conversion; solution for body detoxification, ACNE, hard erection, lasting longer and sexual orgasm.
Pot (marijuana) smoking, drugs and alcohol abuse cause this 20-year-old sharp body pain for no sexual orgasm - solution .
methamphetamine causes his impotence and premature ejaculation / seminal leakage for no more sexual orgasm ==> 
Drug abusers need a long-term brainwash with Viapla-hGH-P and 5-HTP for sexual function and the control of sexual orgasm. ==> 
Over-masturbation and drug abuse (pot smoking  & hallucinogenic mushrooms) causes this 18-years old boy's impotency, water ejaculation (no semen), low back pains, eye floaters, light illusion patterns, fatigue, confusion, depression, anxiety and irritability for no sexual orgasm. ==> 
Ecstasy and abortion causes PMS, menstrual and intercourse pains and cramps for no more sexual orgasm ==> 
Young girl's brain disorders due to a chronic abuse of ecstasy for no more sexual orgasm. ==> 
Over-masturbation, Pot (marijuana) smoking, acne drugs causes this 19 year old college student's liver spot, back pains and numbness, sleeping disorder, losing concentration, weak body and absent mind for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation, Drug abuser and PC flexes causes his sexual anxiety and stress and premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
methamphetamine causes his impotence , premature ejaculation, and seminal production disorder  for no sexual orgasm
Nervous and Liver Detoxification of Ecstasy for young people - for restoration of sexual orgasm
Chronic abuse of  ecstasy (MDMA) causes this 18-years old's zero libido, impotence, and chillness for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic abuse of Ecstasy (MDMA) and Pot smoking result in severe premature ejaculation (ejaculating before penetration) for no more sexual orgasm
This young man's experiences with abuse of Ecstasy (MDMA), speed, Pot smoking, and over-ejaculation/over-masturbation results in youth impotence for no more sexual orgasm
Ecstasy has burned out this young man's dopamine and serotonin nervous systems for no more sexual orgasm, but muscular weakness and post-ejaculation pains
Over-masturbation and drug abuse (marijuana, speed, ecstacy, cocaine, heroine and so on) have fried his 21-years old brain and nervous systems for the unbearable body pains and cramps, particularly in the penis, testicles, groins, perineum, anus, tailbone, and low abdomen, for no more sexual orgasm. 
Pot smoking and ecstasy causes her severe PMS, irritability, depression, swollen breasts for no more sexual orgasm.
Pot (marijuana) smoking and Over-masturbation has killed  libido and erection and  shrunk a penis from 12" to 6"  for no more sexual orgasm - Solution: a long-term Prostaglandin E-1 Reversal (Nervous Back-Flushing) Therapy.
Drug abuse causes this young man chronic prostatitis, burning sensation, and frequent urination for no more sexual orgasm.
Previous Abusing of drugs ( marijuana ,alcohol, LSD, and cigarettes ) has continuously caused this 24-yr young man's erectile dysfunction and instant (15-second) premature ejaculation for no more erection and sexual orgasm
Ecstasy and over-masturbation destroyed his brain and nervous systems for penile shrinkage, premature ejaculation,  nervous muscle spasm and no more sexual orgasm - Solutions.
Over-masturbation and ecstasy causes young man's premature ejaculation no more sexual orgasm.
Pot (marijuana)  smoking and ecstasy destroyed her nervous sensitivity and sexual/orgasmic response for no more sexual orgasm.
Starting over-masturbation prior to puberty and drug (ecstacy) abuse give him an 2-inches 'erecting' penis, instantaneous ejaculation, Hallucinations, retarded brain function, testicular pains/shrinkage, eye floaters, ear buzzing, body pains or cramps.....
Factors affecting seminal production and male sexual orgasm
Pot (marijuana)  smoking and ecstasy destroy teenager's sexual function and causes depression and anxiety for no more libido,. erection and sexual orgasm.
Over_masturbation + Street Drugs + medication drugs = no more erection and sexual orgasm.
Ecstasy (MDMA) causes his impotence for no more sexual orgasm.
Teenager's crazy experiences with Ecstacy (MDMA) and over-masturbation for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation, Drugs abuse and PC exercises causes his anxiety, impotency and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
Ecstacy (MDMA) and Marijuana kill his sex and cause his premature ejaculation before vaginal penetration for no more sexual orgasm .
Cigarette, Marijuana, and DHT inhibitor finasteride killed his libido and erection and shrunk his penis for no more sexual orgasm
Marijuana causes the brain and nervous disorders, psychological instability, stress and anxiety for no more erection and sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation and Drug abuse (amphetamines, MDMA,...) cause this young man's ejaculation headaches, depression, sleeping disorder, stress, anxiety.... for no more sexual orgasm - Solution.
Heavy pot smoker's erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
Methamphetamines kills his brain and penis for no more Sexual orgasm - why and solution.
A combination of Over-masturbation and drug abuse is very destructive to sexual orgasm and marriage - the historical lesson!
Cocaine causes this 28yr old man's erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm
Young Cocaine abuser faces worsening erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm.
Pot smoking affects women too for low libido, PMS, anxiety, stress and depression for no sexual orgasm; Solutions for decongestion of the labia, pubis and both sides of the clitoral shaft for sexual orgasm.
He has experienced nervousness, depression, fatigue loss of energy, etc, due to chronic over-masturbation, pot smoking and drinking for no more sexual orgasm
Evidences show destruction of pot (marijuana) smoking,resulting in low libido, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and low seminal production for no more sexual orgasm
A young drug abuser's long road of nervous rejuvenation for sexual orgasm - no more headaches after taking ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP for 1 month..
A young impotent, drug abuser and over-masturbator said ' I took a dopafibra and moodmax and it almost immediately got work. I could feel my nerves rejuvenating and oxygen flow through my penis(With non of my irritating symptoms).'  ViaPal-hGH-P and 5-HTP for brain/nervous and penile rejuvenation and recovery of sexual orgasm
A 40-year old pot smoker's erectile recovery from his 24-year pot smoking damage; he said 'Starting to have morning erections that last about 10-15 minutes instead of the 2 to 3 minutes that was happening before. ' with our products for penile ballooning and more sexual orgasm.
He said 'Thank you for the ViaPal-hGH-J! I've already started to see some improvement with only being on it a few days! '; Questions about the ejaculation frequency associate lovemaking / masturbation or healing for more sexual orgasm
The prescription amphetamine drug burned down his dopamine nervous system for no more sexual orgasm.
On nervous detoxification for pot smoker - the restoration of sexual orgasm.
Chronic Over-masturbation and pot smoking (marijuana) have fully killed this teenager's sexual function for no more sexual orgasm.
The results of chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation and drug abuses for painful life and no more sexual orgasm.
Don't let street drugs take over your brain and nervous systems for no more sexual orgasm.
Why Over-masturbation teamed with smoking marijuana is so destructive for no more sexual orgasm, but panic, depression, anxiety, depolarization, eye floater and more than you can name them.
smoking marijuana daily let this 20-year old young man experience impotence, low libido and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
The role of GABA in the brain and nervous rejuvenation for sexual orgasm.
Drugs and Pot smoking can cause retarded ejaculation and premature ejaculation and drop the prostate's seminal production for no more sexual orgasm
Over-ejaculation and drug abuses cause chronically non-bacterial prostatitis and urethritis, over-reactive bladder, urinary/bowel incontinence, body pains, bad headache, and sexual dysfunction for no sexual orgasm - solution.
An overdose of Esctacy has left him impotent for 3 years and no more sexual orgasm; Solution with the long-term nervous and liver detoxification.
Over-masturbation + Street drugs (cocaine, pot, ..) = Burning out of the brain's nervous systems for psychological disorders, parkinson's disease, memory loss, ADD, eye floaters, ..... and  no sexual orgasm
Smart young man's stupid experiences with Street drugs for brain damage, erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, no sexual orgasm
Drug abuse and over-ejaculation cause body pain, penile numbness, erectile dysfunction, and seminal production problems for no more sexual orgasm.
Smart young man's stupid experiences with Street drugs and Psuedo Ephedrine HCL or Ma Huang for chronic fatigue, body pain, psychological disorder and sexual dysfunction for no sexual orgasm
Marijuana kills teenager's testicular functions for a low testosterone level and no more sexual orgasm
Young Pot smoker and Drinker's general problems - his erection goes limp and impotent and then he loses passion during lovemaking - no sexual orgasm
Over-ejaculation + abuse of street drugs and sport supplements for youth impotence and no sexual orgasm - solution!
Penile damage by a cock ring or rubber band ; brain/nervous damage by over-masturbation/over-ejaculation, drug/steroid abuse for no more seminal production, erection or sexual orgasm.
Over-Masturbation and  marijuana causes young man's erectile dysfunction, impotence and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm - it is a long, tuff battle.
Marijuana causes teenager's sympathetic nervous "Fight or Flight" for Premature Ejaculation and Flight = Erectile Dysfunction, no more sexual orgasm for her.
Smart young man abused MDMA (Ecstacy), Marijuana, alcohol and cigarettes for psychological instability, penile shrinkage and no more sexual orgasm.
Drug abuse (ecstacy and cannabis) and over-masturbation kill young brain and nervous functions for psychological instability and sexual dysfunction- no more sexual orgasm.
Heroin causes penile shrinkage and coldness for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation and marijuana causes his weak erection, premature ejaculation, fatigue and irregular heartbeat for no more sexual orgasm
4-month pot smoking gives this young man weak erection and premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm
Ecstacy, cocaine, pot smoking, OCD, and depression = the death of sex brain and penis, for no erection, ejaculation and sexual orgasm
Cocaine abuser's brain/nervous disorder and prostate's seminal production dysfunction for no ejaculation and sexual orgasm
Chronic abuse of marijuana kills his erection and sex for no more sexual orgasm.
A bad combination of Estacy, strict vegetarian diet and Over-ejaculation has shrunk his testicles to a pair of almond nuts and his penis, and numbed the sex organs for no more sexual orgasm.
Extreme over-masturbation since childhood and smoking marijuana causes his severe pain in the neck and rear brain, anxiety, and more; spending thousand $$$$$.$$ in MRI, CAT and many doctors for nothing!
A chronic marijuana smoker said ' It has helped tremendously with my groin/testicular/perineum pains. I also now notice that my semen isn't water thin and my orgasms are 10 times more pleasurseable.' with Viapal-hGH-P and 5-HTP; on the road of recovery from the marijuana poisoning of the brain and nervous systems.
Severe damages caused by over-masturbation, over-ejaculation, pot smoking and wild rides for sexual orgasm.
Young man's experiences with over-masturbation, smoking pot and drug abuse of Speed for brain disorders, impotence and no more sexual orgasm.
Ectascy shrunk his penis for no erection and sexual orgasm
Chronic use of Ecstacy and Marijuana, plus shrooms, causes impotency for no more sexual orgasm.
Viapal-hGH-M has revived a 5-year marijuana smoker's erection for the first times in 5 years! He needs DopaFibra too for a faster healing.
Don't let Ecstacy (MDMA) fry your brain and nerves for a short-term fun, but not for a long-term sexual orgasm. Updated - He messed up his brain in 4 months on New Year Eve of 2003!
Over-masturbation and drug abuses causes his prostatitis, low libido and erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm
Anti-depression drug and street drugs kills his seminal production and sexual orgasm; on the effect of Prostaglandin E-1 on erection and Prostaglandin E-2 on orgasm for men and women.
Over-masturbation plus drug abuse causes his ADHA, Obessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and sexual dysfunction for no sexual orgasm
Marijuana smoker's weak erection and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm - solution!
Hyper-masturbation + pot smoking + anti-depression/anti-manic medication drugs causes teenagers' impotence, premature ejaculation and low-back pain for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation and street drugs abuse killed his penis and prostate for erectile dysfunction and ejaculation/orgasm disorders - no more sexual orgasm; On the effects of the seminal level on the separation of orgasm and ejaculation.
abuse of street drugs + over-masturbation causes depression, anxiety, ADD, testicular shrinkage, and erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation + Pot + Ecstacy + tobacco + Alcohol turn him into a 10-stroke (30-second) man for no more sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation + Marijuana + Ectacy + LSD  results in severe nervous damage - eye floaters and visual snow and in deficiency of prostaglandin E-1 for pains in low back and joints and no more sexual orgasm.
Ecstacy abusers need Viapal-HGH-M and DopaFibra for erection and sexual orgasm .
Why LSD is not good for sexual functions and orgasm
Side Effects of Marijuana - killing the brain, nerves and penis / vagina for no sexual orgasm.
Why marijuana causes teenagers' impotence? Solutions!
Chronic abuse of GHB results in penile damage, low libido and no more sexual orgasm.
If excessive sex causes your sexual exhaustion problems, street or medication drugs can kill your sex and solve your problems - the logical solution: chemical castration for no more erection and sexual orgasm!
Over-ejaculation + Smoking spot = two stones killing one bird for no more sexual orgasm.
Young women's sexual dysfunction - vaginal dryness and no sexual orgasm
How does marijuana kill sex and  sexual orgasm?
Cocaine chemicals can make young women's vagina become loossened for no sexual orgasm- solution.
Marijuana and vibrator kill her G-spot and clitoris for no sexual orgasm
Ephedra triggers sympathetic Fight or Flight (premature ejaculation or erection withdrawal) for sexual dysfunctions and no sexual orgasm
Dietary supplement ViaPal-hGH-M is the formula for ADHD,depression, low-back pain, sleeping disorder, erectile dysfunction, penile ballooning, and seminal production.

<Chemical Castrationn By Street Drugs>

Her great achievement - He said 'She reached orgasm 3 out of the last 4 times' with help of ViaGrowth-IV and MoodMax, even under the influence of SSRIs antidepressant;
He said ' I GET A GREAT LOVE TOOL!(ALL THIS AT 58 YRS.!) WE BOTH HAVE FEEL BETTER OVERALL.' Our Products for a bigger penis, a narrower vagina, and more sexual orgasm, and help of cutting down (or getting rid of) medication drugs
He said 'The CD is very comprehensive and the Via-Growth helped removed my low back pain...'; now how to deal with the SSRIs antidepressant's addiction
She said 'I began to take ViaGrowth IV and I felt better almost instantly.' for antidepression and sexual orgasm.\
He said ' It is now back to being bigger' even he's taking SSRI antidepressants.
Causes and solutions of Interstitial Cystitis; for health and sexual orgasm.

Over-masturbation or over-ejaculation and marijuana produce psychological instability - solution.
Marijuana, curved penis and erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm
Over-ejaculation, marijuana, pain, stress, anxiety, depression, sleeping disorder, facial numbness, prostatitis, urethritis, retrograde ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm.
Reader's experiences on medication and street drugs, and funny laws about vibrators and sexual orgasm.
So, his doctors have melted down their MRI, CAT, SCANS, SCOPES or whatever machines but can not solve chronic, over-ejaculation induced testicles and body pains/cramps, prostate and urethral abrasion; Chronically Smoking marijuana for no sexual orgasm.
Youth impotence, over-masturbation, penile enlargement exercises, drug abuses (?), erectile sexual dysfunction, and no more sexual orgasm
When Marijuana takes over your liver, brain and nervous systems, you run into the end of your sex life; solutions for erectile and ejaculation dysfunction, and restoration of sexual orgasm.
Ecstacy + Orver-masturbation = dead penis and brain for no sexual orgasm.
Marijuana causes impotence, premature ejaculation, and orgasmic dysfunctions for no sexual orgasm.
Street drugs are more effective that medication drugs in killing seminal production and sexual orgasm.
Marijuana, erectile dysfunction and Sexual Orgasm
Don't do drugs for the sake of your love life - erection and Sexual Orgasm
Total castration by birth control shot for no Sexual Orgasm.
Effects of ecstasy on sexual function for erectile dysfunction and no sexual orgasm
Marijuana for impotence, ejaculation dysfunction and no sexual orgasm.
Side effects of SSRIs antidepressants for no erection and sexual orgasm.
The side effects of the birth control shot drug on the body for health hazard and no sexual orgasm.
Over-modulation of SSRIs antidepressants on the brain's and nervous functions for less seminal/lubrication production, erectile dysfunction and no sexual orgasm.
On Anti-depression drugs, erection dysfunction and Sexual Orgasm
Damage of Sex Organs by the Vibrator, SSRIs antidepressant, and Penile Enlargement exercises for no sexual orgasm
Birth control pills, clitoral/labia/vaginal/intercourse pains, VAGINISMUS and no sexual orgasm
Nervous damage due to SSRIs antidepressants and Ecstasy for erectile dysfunction and no sexual orgasm.
SSRIs antidepressants, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm.

Causes and solutions of eye floaters associated with sexual dysfunctions and drugs for no orgasm.
Effects on the Hair Growth Drug on erection, sperm production and sexual orgasm
Birth control injection or pills and sexual orgasm
Let ViaGrowth-IV and DopaFibra overcome the sides effects of birth control pills or injection on sexual orgasm.
Low dopamine results in high Prolactin for breast tenderness and milking and for no sexual orgasm
Beta-Blocker drugs and a low testosterone level produce Peyronie conditions for crooking and bending the penis for no sexual orgasm - the suggested solutions.
Alcohol, erection and sexual orgasm
ViaPal-hGH-D gives drug/alcohol abusers a hard 2 o'clock erection and helps hold pee up for many hours. The next step is 'lasting longer' for sexual orgasm - solution!
He said 'I have been using ViaPal-hGH-D for about two weeks now and feel great.'; solution for her depression and sexual orgasm.
Hypertension, Kidney's Renin action, and false prostate enlargement - for no erection and sexual orgasm
Caffeine, stress hormone, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm
A compromise solution for growing hair and penis - restoring erection and sexual orgasm
Effects of alcohol, drugs, smoking and diabetes on the liver and nervous functions associated sexual orgasm
Get ride of SSRIs antidepressant and return to Level-7 sexual orgasm! Here is the How-to

The role of the liver in male and female 'penile erection' and sexual orgasm. And How to castrate yourself!
ViaPal-hGH-D powers the liver, cardiovascular and brain/neuro-endocrine functions for healing, stress release, antidepression, erection and sexual orgasm!
Solutions for drug addiction and erectile dysfunction - restoring sexual orgasm!
The ultimate solution for depression, sexual exhaustion, impotence, frigity and better sexual orgasm .
Why Medication/streets drugs and Birth Control Pill can disable sexual orgasm - the brain/nervous, liver, adrenal and ovarian (or testicular) functions
The erectile drug, allergy, his erection, liver function, birth control pill and her sexual orgasm.
Side effects of Birth Control Pills for no sexual orgasm.
Drug abusing results in orgasm dysfunction; over-ejaculation causes post-intercourse pain and premature ejaculation for no sexual orgasm.
Customers with blood-pressure or heart conditions love ViaPal-hGH-X for better sexual orgasm
Dr. Lin's formulas have helped the drug abuser restore health, erection and sexual orgasm.
Dr. Lin's formula solved his adrenal insufficient, chronic fatigue and depression.
ViaGrowth-IV strengthens her vaginal muscle, helps her achieve orgasm and rejuvenates her body.
The erectile drug User confirms Dr. Lin's liver and hormonal dynamics for sexual orgasm!
Dr. Lin's formulas reverse the side effects of the hair regrowth drug and restore erection for sexual orgasm!
Dr. Lin's formula reverses the chemical castration of antidepressants. Long-term subscribers get 20% off.
The facts:
Victim of over-masturbation and smoking pot for no sexual orgasm: symptoms and solutions.
Obsessisive Cumpulsive Disorder and Antidepressants, resulting in sexual dysfunction for no sexual orgasm. sexual orgasm.
All-night long erection and sex with erectile drugs causes PRIAPISM (permanent destruction of the penis) the for no sexual orgasm - another type of
Chemical Castration.
Birth control injection and sexual orgasm.
Abuse of steroids resulting in penile shrinkage for no sexual orgasm.
Special Topics! 
Overdose of Birth Control pill/injection can disable the ovarian function for no sexual orgasm and a permanent loss of conception ability.
Hypothyroidism, birth control pill/injection, weight loss drugs, and sexual orgasm
The side effects of Birth control pills and sexual orgasm
Frequent clitoral orgasms with vibrator makes young girl develop behavior problems, and then she has been drugged for no sexual orgasm.
Bill control pill has killed her sexual orgasm - why and solution
Get rid of pain killers and antidepressants for sexual orgasm
Allergy shots and anti-histamine for  no sexual orgasm- solutions
Birth control bills, Liver's Cytochrome P450 detoxification, and sexual orgasm
Promoting sexual orgasm hormone Oxytocin, and reversing side effects of SSRIs antidepressants.
Smoking pot and Overmasturbation, two stones smash one 'bird' for no sexual orgasm!
Antidepressant for no sexual Orgasm and no more vaginal suction.
Drug side effects - dry skin, painful sex and no sexual Orgasm
Birth control pill causes testosterone deficiency and intercourse pain for no sexual orgasm - Solutions
ephedrine + caffeine + aspirin + birth control pill for no sexual orgasm
18-year old's impotency resulting from smoking Marijuana + Overmasturbating for no sexual orgasm.
ViaPal-hGH-X can help cardiovascular functions, and powers erection and sexual orgasm
Workout supplements Tribulus terrestris, Creatine and Ephedrine can screw up your erection and sexual orgasm
How to produce a Level-7 full-body sexual orgasm; Creatine and HTP for no sexual orgasm!
Long-term use of SSRIs antidepressants causes premature ejaculation and no sexual orgasm
Childbirth + SSRIs antidepressants = no sexual orgasm
The SSRIs antidepressants for erectile and orgasmic dysfunction, NO sexual orgasm.
Birth Control Pill affects the balance between Prolactin and Oxytocin for no sexual orgasm.
How to increase Orgasm hormone Oxytocin and reduce orgasm inhibitor Prolactin for more sexual orgasm.
Our customers' confidence is our goal; Dr. Lin's sexual teaching in the CD_ROM makes him have sex for 2 hours and gives her a lot of sexual orgasm (she threatens to bring her friends to take care of him).. 
MDMA or (ecstasy), marijuana, sexual Chi-Kong and sexual orgasm.
Let Heat Tea reverse the side effects of antidepressants for sexual orgasm. 
ViaGrowth-IV and ViaPal-hGH-X for heart and blood-pressure patients to have sexual orgasm.
ReGrow your hair and penis for sexual orgasm
Young men should not take androstenedione, tribulus terrestris, ephedrine and caffeine for sexual orgasm
Young lady, how to overcome the side effect of birth control pill on your sexual orgasm
How to overcome the side effects of birth control pill on sexual orgasm!
Antidepressants, Dr.Lin formulas, and Improving sexual orgasm 
Marijuana and sexual orgasm.
Heat Tea can reverse side effects of Hormone Replacement drugs and Antidepressants for sexual orgasm 
Full-spectrum Hormone releasers for powerful erection and more sexual orgasm 
Dr. Lin's formulas reverse the side effects of the hair regrowth drug and restore erection for sexual orgasm!

Heat Tea gives you the happy hormones Acetylcholine, Dopamine and Norepinephrine to restore your multiple sexual orgasm (s).
Tumors, Cancers, Hormonal Replacement Therapy, Erection, and sexual orgasm.
Radiation/chemotherapy treatment, heart medication,...and ViaPal-hGH-E for sexual orgasm
How Birth Control Pill dampens health and sexual orgasm and how Heat Tea works
Male menopause, birth control pill, and sexual orgasm
Natural contraceptive method for more sexual orgasm!
Let Heat Tea reverse the side effects of antidepressants for sexual orgasm.
Over-masturbation and the Lockup of endocrine function by Hormone Replacement Therapy for premature ejaculation and no sexual orgasm!==>
Let Heat Tea dewater your vaginal lining and supercharge your G-spot and Epicenter nerves for sexual orgasm
Birth Control Pill (medication), Aging, and Mechanism of sexual orgasm
Birth Control Pill for no sexual orgasm! Solution!
Young man wants Drugs for reducing erection during massage; too much sexual orgasm 
Chemical Castration Drugs slow down the brain, endocrine and nervous functions, deactivate the liver and kidney functions, and disable the communication between the Autonomic Nervous System and the sex organs, to cause sexual dysfunction for men and women. Don't overdose your body with medicines, drugs, alcohol, smoking and birth control pill or injection. They make you sick and cause sexual dysfunction for men and women. If you have experienced or are experiencing their side effects, or even if your body has been damaged by them, our dietary supplements can help you reverse or mitigate their damage done on your body, reactivate or protect your brain, liver, endocrine and nervous functions, regulate your cardiovascular function and kidney's renin-angiotension (blood-pressure control) mechanism, restore your health, get rid of depression, make you happier, and mitigate or avoid their side effects. In Other Words, Dr. Lin and His Dietary Supplements Will Make You Happier! We want you to be happier!
Women's orgasmic dysfunction result from the improper charge of the bioelectric cells in the Contractile Fibers around the uterus and in the Autorhythmic Fibers (Orgasmic Pacemaker) in the Epicenter. Orgasmic dysfunction is caused by aging, smoking, alcohol, baby blue, childbearing, birth control pills, antidepressants, birth control bills/implant/injection , high-blood pressure drugs, diabetes drugs, pain killers, and so on, that block the brain to release the hormone messenger to the Epicenter. Beware of the chemical castration drugs you take everyday!
Heat Tea and ViaPal-hGH formulas are the ultimate solutions for the problems. Why? We used Heat Tea to pinpoint the location of the Orgasmic Pacemaker in the Epicenter for women and the Ejaculation Control Valve for men, so that we can resolve the side effects of drugs on sexual and orgasm responses. And, we use ViaPal-hGH (and/or Heat Tea) package to power the penis (clitoris/G-spot), resulting in penile erection (clitoral engorgement) as shown in . ViaPal-hGH Packages are the most powerful Natural Hormonal Replacement Formulas for Senior and middle-age men and women 
Men experience the same chemical impact on the endocrine, liver, kidneys and nervous systems as women does. If premature ejaculation is caused by excess testosterone in the body, with a hard erection, a light dose of these chemical castration drugs can prolong intercourse. I experienced the effects of alcohol, allergic drugs and pain killers on the prolonging intercourse when I was young. However, the long-term use of the drugs will result in chemical castration. You should take a precaution on the drug abuse. Since the weak erection also cause premature ejaculation, men who have a weak erection should not use these drugs. The solutions for premature ejaculation and weak erection are given in "Premature Ejaculation." and "Erectile Dysfunction.", respectively, for different age groups and physical conditions.

 PS: You can prevent cancers, tumors, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiac problems by eating more green foods and beans/seeds/"nuts." That is why we introduce Mighty (Magic) Greens which is the food for life! Magic Greens is Item 4-001 in

General Solutions:
Reversing Side Effects of Medication Drugs for sexual orgasm
Birth control pill or long-term medication is a double-edged sword for no sexual orgasm.
Low-back pain, birth control pill, and sexual orgasm 
Why testosterone therapy alone won't work for health and sexual orgasm?
Solution for alcohol, drugs and depression for your erection and sexual orgasm
Antidepressants have destroyed her libido and sexual orgasm. solution - Heat Tea!
Hair Growth drug, 5-alpha reductase, dihydrotestosterone and sexual orgasm.
Period and orgasmic pain or cramp are caused by uterine contraction. Solutions for sexual orgasm and pleasure 
General solutions for Erection and Ejaculation Control for sexual orgasm. 
Reader said: Viagrowth III and Paragon have produced a very positive effect on libido and depression in 3 days! Of course, more sexual orgasm! 
ViaGrowth-III and Heat Tea are the romantic-good-old-day product for libido and sexual orgasm! 
Birth Control Pill disabled her vaginal, sexual orgasm, or his erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation did?
Birth Control Pill/implant/injection have disabled her sexual orgasm!
She is chemically castrated by birth control pill for no sexual orgasm.
Dryness, Birth Control Pill, Heat Tea, and sexual orgasm.
Anti-seizure drugs, antidepressants, Anti-Migraines drugs, erectile dysfunction and sexual orgasm.
Pituitary tumor medication, testosterone, 5-Alpha Reductase and Sexual
Orgasm Mechanic Penile Enlargements weaken the erection for no sexual orgasm! Solutions!
Solutions for Beta blocker, her sexual orgasm and libido.
Antiseizure medication kills her sexual orgasm. How to restore her sexual orgasm capacity?
Menorrhagia (menstrual problems) and sexual orgasm!
Let Dr. Lin formula repower a young ADD-damaged liver and endocrine system for sexual orgasm!
Anti-depressants causes a testosterone deficiency for orgasmic pain and cramps. the Sexual Orgasm Problem.
The Universal Tao of Sex for plant/animal propagation and human Sexual orgasm.
Heat Tea or ViaGrowth-I will bring Chemotherapy patients back to sexual orgasm.
Heat Tea and ViaGrowth can help solve Manic Depressive and Multiple Personality for sexual orgasm - abuse of anti-seizure, -manic/-depressive drugs and so on.
Cigarettes and marijuana will deactivate your parasympathetic nervous system for no sexual orgasm
Solutions for the shrinking penis caused by Anti-prostate cancer drugs: for restoring Sexual Orgasm
Antidepressants gives her no sexual orgasm. Solutions!
Birth Control Pill makes no sexual orgasm again.
How to Evaluate the effect of the birth control pill on her capacity for sexual orgasm.
Birth control injection or implant for No sexual orgasm.
Hysterectomy + Antidepressants: Murderers team with robbers for No sexual orgasm.
An abrupt change of sexual response indicates that there is a hormone change in either your or his body- the real sexual orgasm problem!
You need Heat Tea to charge the pacemaker of sexual orgasm.
Vaginal dryness caused by an underactive endocrine system for no sexual orgasm! Chemical Castration!
Birth Control Pills and sexual orgasm.
Dr. Lin's formula reverses the chemical castration of antidepressants. Long-term subscribers get 20% off.
Heat Tea can reverse the Chemical Castration for better sexual orgasm!
Let Dr. Lin's formula reverse her aging for multiple sexual orgasm(S)!
Dr. Lin's formulas can help senior couples to reverse Chemical Castration for better sexual orgasm!
Don't load too much chemicals into your body; Let Dr. Lin's Natural Hormone Enhancers help you out for sexual orgasm.
Birth control pills/implant/injection can block the bioelectric charge of the autorhythmic fibers for no sexual orgasm!
Let Heat Tea and Vacuum-Cupping Massage help the sympathetic reflex dystrophy patient for sexual orgasm.
The Hair Growth drug grows hairs by shrinking the penis, for no sexual Orgasm.
Shrinking penis syndrome for no sexual orgasm, women surfer too! 
Ultimate solutions for heart patients to solve sexual dysfunction.

Click "In Love We Trust!" for Classified Orgasmic File Expansion (More Orgasmic Files)

Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE! 
Yes, I want to talk to Dr. Lin(click here). 
Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.